5 things you should never say to someone with scoliosis
Hello everyone, I wanted to start this blog post off, by saying that I know not everyone understands what scoliosis is, and I get that! I didn't either, until I got it. I wanted to make this blog post in the hope that some of you reading this can relate in some way. It can be frustrating when people say things such as "it can't be that bad", I've had this said to me several times, and I know scoliosis is nowhere near as bad as some conditions, but it is worse than you may just presume. scoliosis is painful and annoying, it often stops you from doing things you really want to do and as much as that sucks ... you just deal with it. Everyone I know who has scoliosis has had to give up something or make some kind of sacrifice that they didn't want to. here are 10 things you should never say to someone with scoliosis - 1) Sit up straight! - this is an almost impossible task to ask someone with s