5 years post op!

 Hi everyone, 

I recently celebrated five years post op. That feels kind of strange to type. I almost can't believe that my spinal fusion surgery was five years ago, the experience still remains fresh in my mind. Scoliosis has taught me so much about myself and every anniversary makes me stop and reflect on how far I have come and how much things have changed. Whilst I type this all I can think about is how this condition shaped my life in more ways than I ever thought possible. Spinal fusion surgery is no walk in the park but it makes you appreciate things that are often taken for granted. For instance, I remember being taught to walk again and how difficult it felt to do something I've done my whole life. The surgery makes routine things such as walking, showering, and stretching more difficult to carry out. However, whilst the surgery was a daunting and challenging experience, five years on I can still say with confidence that I do not regret having the surgery. This may sound melodramatic but I genuinely believe that the surgery changed my life. 

I often read post op blog posts to gain some more perspective on the diversity of peoples experiences. So whilst mine is a positive experience I acknowledge that not everyone has this same outcome. I know that some people still experience pain and discomfort post surgery and I would be lying if I said I didn't too. However, fortunately for me the amount of discomfort and pain has been significantly reduced since having the surgery. I guess what I am trying to say is that everyone's experience is independent and that no two cases of Scoliosis are ever the same. But I hope that reading my experience can show people that surgery can have a positive impact upon an individuals lifestyle. 

To conclude, I feel extremely fortunate that I had no complications post surgery and that I continue to lead a normal life with a few rare disruptions of pain and discomfort. Overall my Scoliosis experience was not without challenge but ultimately an experience which I can look back on and be thankful for the positive changes that surgery created within my life and appreciate the reduction in daily discomfort. 

Thank you for reading 

Looking Back xoxo


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