Hello 2019 ...

Hello everyone,

My first post of 2019. I can't quite believe it. 2018 was a world wind of a year, it had its ups and it's downs. However, I am ready to welcome 2019 with open arms.

This isn't your typical new year resolutions post that no one really sticks to but rather a post letting you know what I want to work on during 2019. These are things I want to try, do or change. There are no promises simply statements of what I want to develop and improve within my own life.

1) Be Kind to myself..
Everyone says this but it is definitely one of the hardest resolutions you could set yourself because it isn't easy. We all judge and scrutinise ourselves on a daily basis, but I think it is important to acknowledge that perfection is not always obtainable. We are our own greatest critics and my aim for 2019 is to stop and reflect on the things that I do like about myself rather than the things I don't. It's almost impossible but with time it is something that can become easier to do.

2) Organise
Organisation is something I am pretty good at to be honest. However, I want to continue this into 2019. Organisation helps me to feel less stressed and with this year being one of the most important years academic wise I definitely want to focus on this to make myself feel as exam ready as possible.

3) Travel more
I love traveling and seeing different places and I already have a few places lined up for 2019. I find it really interesting to learn about new cultures and experience different surroundings. Traveling is something I really enjoy and want to focus on doing more this year. So hopefully there will be some more travel posts coming your way this year.

4) Be kind
This is something I think everyone should focus on. It is easy to get wrapped up in your own life and concerns. However, it is important to stop and reflect on how lucky we all. I want to do more charity work this year and to help others that are in need.

5) Drink more water
I know every one says this but there are so many benefits to drinking water. I have noticed that the more water I drink the better I feel and the healthier my skin looks. Water stimulates the brain which is great for studying and work. This is something simple and achievable in my opinion.

Thank you for reading.
Happy New Year!!

Sadie xoxo


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