The official sign off, 2 years post op!

Hello everyone,

I recently had my 2 year check up appointment for my scoliosis. I never thought I would be sat writing this post. It feels very strange to say the least. I have been officially signed off from all planned appointments; in some ways this almost feels like an end to an era. Scoliosis has been a massive part of my life for a good 4 years now and it probably always will be.

It feels so surreal to be saying, that this is finally the end of the road. No more appointments.
I’m so relieved that everything has worked out so well, but it’s weird knowing that I can finally move on. Scoliosis no longer controls my life. It will always be part of me but it is something I have overcome . I’m pretty proud of myself to be honest.
I have so many memories from my appointments the bad and the good.

Scoliosis has been an emotional rollercoaster, it’s had it’s dips and it’s highs but as cheesy as it sounds it’s time for me to get off the roller coaster. My early teenage years have been different to what I expected, they have shaped me into the person I am today. Scoliosis has taught me to not take anything for granted and to be thankful for what I have.
There are people with scoliosis, who are in wheelchairs and who cannot walk. Something as simple as walking, we take for granted we don’t think about which foot we place down first or which side to lean towards, it’s natural. For us anyway.

When I was in hospital I experienced what it was like to be restricted and to struggle to do basic things such as walking and sitting. I dealt with that struggle for a good few months, but there are people who deal with that amount of struggle on a daily basis. It puts things into perspective. We are extremely fortunate.
So while it’s easy to sit and feel depressed and down about your scoliosis, just remember there are people much worse off than you. Scoliosis is difficult for a person, both mentally and physically, but there are much worse conditions out there. It’s important to remember this and keep an open mind.

Scoliosis may feel like the biggest thing in the world for you right now, I know it did for me at the time, but it is not the end of the world. There are solutions to scoliosis. However, there are many conditions out there that don’t have solutions.

Scoliosis is overwhelming at times and its something you have to adapt to, but it has made me into the person I am today.
Scoliosis wasn't all bad, it definitely showed me a different perspective towards life, as deep as that may sound.
I truly believe that things happen for a reason and Scoliosis was mine.

Thank you for reading.
Remember you aren't alone, Scoliosis is more prominent than you might realise.

Princess Eugenie recently shared a bit of her Scoliosis story, you can read about it - here
Even royalty have Scoliosis!

Sadie xoxo


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