Ferne McCann New Fragrence and Beauty Range!!

Hello everyone,

I am a fan of Ferne McCann so when I heard that she was releasing a beauty range and that it was in collaboration with Pound land, I knew I had to pick some bits up and review them for you guys. First I picked up the 3 body sprays in the range, Sweet Sorrento, Capri and Blush Oud. I later purchased the body washes in the scents Capri and Blush oud, I'm pretty sure they don't do Sweet Sorrento in a body wash which is a shame to be honest. The packaging and the quality of these products is amazing considering their price point.

The packaging is simple yet effective and chic. It certainly doesn't look like a £1 range! The scents are gorgeous. Capri is the signature scent of the range and I can understand why, it's a very versatile scent and I personally think it would suit lots of people. As of yet, I don't have a favourite I love all of them.

Blush Oud - 
I think this is the more girly scent out of the range its a very elegant and classy scent in my opinion. 
I would describe Blush Oud  as a subtle rose scent.

Sweet Sorrento - 
I really like this scent, its very day time appropriate in my opinion, and due to its affordable price point it can be worn on an every day basis which is great! As the name would suggest its a sweet scent and I think this will be perfect for Spring- Summer time, it feels ironic to say that at the moment as it is currently snowing in the U.K. but oh well!! 

Capri - 
Again, I really like this scent too and this is the scent I've been wearing the most recently out of the three. This scent is sophisticated and classy, perfect for every day use. 

I am yet to try the body washes, but if you would like me to review these please feel free to let me know in the comments and I will happily do that for you. 

Overall, I think the range is really good, its great quality, pretty and extremely affordable. 
If I'm honest I was sceptical at first because I didn't think that £1 products would be that good, However I was pleasantly surprised. I would highly recommend everything I have tried in this range so far. 
I think Ferne has done a great job and I hope the range is further expanded in the future. 

Thank you for reading. 
Sadie xoxo

You can check the range out here - http://www.poundland.co.uk/brands/ferne-mccann/


  1. I simply fall in love with blush oud , beautiful smell. But it's hard to find near me Poundland.


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