1 year post op, check up appointment

Hello everyone,

Today was my 1 year checkup at Sheffield children's Hospital, and I have to admit it was kind of strange to be seeing my Surgeon and nurses again after so long, but it also reminded me of how far I have come since the last time I saw them. It's insane to think that it was one whole year ago since I was taking my first steps with a straight spine!

During my appointment, I had an X-ray, formatric scan, height measurements and of course a consultation with my surgeon.
Before my operation I had a 70 degree thoracic curve and a 67 degree lumbar curve, I now have a 30 degree thoracic and a 32 degree lumbar curvature. My curves have decreased atleast 50% in both the thoracic and lumbar parts of my spine, which is amazing! I am so happy with the results from my surgery.

My surgeon was impressed with the healing of my scar and my X-rays. My metal work has stayed in place and I am now fully fused. I was also given the all clear to return to all sports including contact and I couldn't be happier, all my restrictions have been lifted and I can finally move on with my life!

My journey with scoliosis has been emotionally and physically tasking, but seeing the results today made me feel like it was worth it. I got there in the end, and you can too!

I will only have one more planed appointment at Sheffield Children's Hospital, and that will be my 2 year post op !

If you have scoliosis and you would like to ask me a question please feel free to leave a comment or you can talk to me privately via email - SadieRawson02@icloud.com

Thank you for reading, what seems like a milestone blog post. I hope you found it useful in some way

Until next time,

Sadie xoxo


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