support associations for scoliosis

                                                                  Hello everyone,

Being diagnosed with scoliosis, can be very overwhelming and you can often feel alone. If you are anything like me when I was diagnosed, then you probably don't even know what scoliosis is. It's a pretty daunting experience, but it's good to know that there is support available, either with a loved one or from an organisation such as, SAUK (short for scoliosis association U.K.)

I found SAUK on a whim, I didn't really know what they were all about at first but once I had read a bit about them and it soon became apparent to me that they are a great community who offer help and support for those who really need it. I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't find them sooner.

I think that one of the best ways to deal with scoliosis is by talking about it to someone who's experience it first hand. I emailed a lovely girl named Emi, who is the uk ambassaitor for curvy girls (another amazing organisation for scoliosis patients) I found it reassuring to be able to talk to someone such as Emi about scoliosis, she helped me to be as prepared as possible for the surgery. She didn't sugar coat surgery by telling me that it's not that bad, she told me the truth, it is painful but it is worth it and that's all I needed to hear.
I went into hospital knowing that it wasn't going to be easy, but the fact that Emi told me everything would be worth it in the end kept me going, I knew that it was going to be okay and I tried to stay as optimistic as possible.

I created this blog to help people and share my experience as best as I can, so if anyone reading this would like to talk about scoliosis, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email

Here are the organisations mentioned within this blog post -

Please never feel alone with scoliosis, they are loads of people going through the same thing who understand what you are dealing with.

Thankyou for reading, and I really hope you can take something away from this blog post.


                                                                        Sadie xoxo


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