2017 New Year Resolutions

                                                                          Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.

2016 personally for me, was a horrible year a lot of bad things happened within the world, however 2016 may have been horrible but it was the year I found my confidence and had a spinal fusion, it went well , SO well and for that reason I cannot say that 2016 was all bad because my spine was corrected for good !

Because it's now 2017, I thought it would be interesting to let you all know some of my New Years resolutions.

1) Be more confident- confidence is a massive struggle for so many people today. There's so much pressure to look good, but I personally feel that we shouldn't worry about it everyone is naturally beautiful but it's how we learn to embrace it that really matters. This year confidence is going to be my goal, I want to feel happy in my own skin and so should you !

2) Read more- I used to read all the time and its something I really want to get back into. I have so many amazing books waiting to be read. I used to really enjoy reading its the perfect way to wind down and de-stress after a long day.

3) Be kind to yourself- you may not be able to control how kind others are to you, but you can control how kind you are to yourself. Take time to occasionally think about yourself and what you want to do. Being kind to yourself will make you a much more positive person.

4) Overcome a fear- it could be small, or big but at the end of the day what ever the fear is once you've overcome it you will feel much braver and stronger, both mentally and physically.

5) Get organised- organisation can be a great way to reduce stress within day to day life, and it's something I'm always trying to do. Being organised really helps me to be prepared and ready for the following day, task or event.

6) De stress- take time out for yourself and relax, it can really help to recharge the brain and make you see things differently. Getting stressed over things is natural, but it's important that you always find time to just stop and recharge.

7) Spend more time with loved ones- be it family or friends, it's important that you make time to see them, and let them know that you love and cherish them.

8) Just do it- take chances, who knows where it will take you !

9) Travel more- I love seeing new places either in the UK or abroad, I find it interesting to learn new cultures, see historical monuments and even just enjoy the scenery in a different place.

10) My most important New Years resolution, is to enjoy myself,  stop worrying about unnecessary things and take in the moment.

Thank you all for reading, and I really hope you all have a wonderful 2017, I can't wait to see what this year has in store.

Please feel free to comment your New Years resolutions and I will reply as soon as possible.

Sadie xoxo


  1. oh my goodness re your operation ! That sounds pretty major, I hope you are recovering well. Happy 2017 xx

  2. I'm recovering really well thankyou for asking and happy new year to you too xx


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