2 years post op scoliosis spinal fusion surgery!!

Hello everyone, I honestly cannot believe I am currently writing this post. I am officially 2 years post op spinal fusion surgery. It certainly doesn't feel like it has been 2 whole years. When I think about how my back used to be and the pain I used to have to deal with it's honestly incredible. A spinal surgery is a big deal, and to think I have come so far since mine honestly blows my mind. I rarely have back pains anymore. I wasn't really expecting the back pain to ever go away to be honest, but i am so lucky that it has. The back pain was always one of the worst things about having scoliosis for me, besides the uneven shoulder blades and hips. I began to see the pain as normal and after my surgery when the pain had gone away it felt really weird. I no longer had to take co- codamal daily, or stretch my back all the time just to relive some of the pain and aches. I do get the occasional aches and pains like anyone else does, but I don't complain about them as I ...