
Showing posts from November, 2017

What are magnetic growth rods??

Hello everyone, The most common procedure for scoliosis is spinal fusion, however there are other operations and treatments available. For instance, the use of magnetic growth rods is becoming more frequently used. The magnetic growth rods procedure is fairly new, it has been developed to improve the traditional growing rod procedure. This new procedure, only has a short follow up time post op. Magnetic rods aim to grow with the child, rather than stop growth like a spinal fusion would do. The procedure consists of single or dual titanium rods that contain a magnetically drivable and lengthing mechanism. The rods are placed in the areas in which the spinal curvature is worst. Patients who choose this treatment are required to undergo a post op procedure (distraction) after the initial surgery has been completed. The post op procedure is not very invasive, however patients are also required to attend follow ups for up to 6 weeks post op. An external remote controller is placed ove...

Scoliosis prevention - is it possible to prevent spinal curvature before it happens?

Hello everyone, I'm sure many people with Scoliosis often wonder whether the condition can be prevented before it occurs. Scoliosis can not generally be prevented. Most cases of scoliosis (80%) are idiopathic, which means that the cause is unknown. Idiopathic scoliosis usually develops whilst a child is growing up or in times of rapid growth spurts. Since the curvatures cause is unknown, it cannot be anticipated and no preventative action can be taken. Scoliosis can also occur as a symptom of numerous other conditions, such as - - Osteoporosis - Chiari malformations - Marfan syndrome - Neurofibromatosis Some of these underlying conditions can sometimes be prevented - for instance, excersise and a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium can help to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis - but others are passed on genetically, making it difficult to prevent these conditions and the spinal curvatures that they can cause. There are many myths about scoliosis prevention and...

Scoliosis muscular imbalance - Why does scoliosis create one weak side?

Hello everyone, Within the abnormal curvature of the spine condition known as scoliosis , muscular imbalacement is very common. The muscles located at either side of the spinal curvature are heavily impacted by the condition, in most cases one side will be weaker than the other. The reason why this occurs is due to lack of use of certain muscles down one side of the back, consequently the stronger side is normally due to an over use of these muscles which is due to the curvature this side is having to work harder to help support the curve and back. Both the under used and over used sides of the back can cause problems regarding pain. An example of muscular imbalancement would be, if a patient has a spinal curvature which leans to the right this would cause the muscles on the right hand side to become stronger, these muscles will be used more frequently and will become more stretched out. However, the left hand side of the back the muscles will become weaker, this is because the musc...