4 Years Post Op Spinal Fusion Surgery

Hi everyone, Once again it has been awhile since i last posted on here but i thought that my 4 year post op was a good reason to post again. Today is officially my 4th year since my spinal fusion in 2016 and i wanted to update you on how i am doing in regards to scoliosis 4 years on. The answer is pretty positive in all honesty. Since my fusion Scoliosis has become a much more manageable aspect of my life! Whilst Scoliosis was once a huge part of my life it is something i no longer worry about, i suppose one of the greatest benefits of having the surgery for me personally, is this eradication of worry. In retrospect i remember often worrying about when my inevitable surgery will be and if my curvature had progressed and the implications of both these things upon my life going forwards. Whereas now i feel secure in the realisation that in my own mind my Scoliosis is "fixed." Whilst i realise that i will never be free of Scoliosis i have come to accept that it is a part ...